As a sort of programming recouping the erased SMS, this product underpins all iPhone and Android telephone. After cancellation of instant message, the information pieces putting away the SMS are not erased from the database quickly, but rather are stamped as the unused square. These information squares can be secured just when new SMS are put away in the database. On the off chance that you utilize our product for recuperation before the erased information squares are secured by the new information, you can effectively recoup every one of the SMS.
How to Recover Deleted SMS with SMS Recovery Pro 3.1
1. Duplicate the SMS database document to the PC. For Android, the SMS are put away in the mmssms.db document, and forIPhone, they are put away in sms.db record. On the best way to trade the database document to the PC, click the accompanying connection.
How to Recover deleted SMS on iPhone
How to Recover delete SMS on Android phone
2. Open "SMS Recovery" click on "File" then "Open SMS database" menu to open the database document sent from mobile (mmssms.db for Android, & sms.db for IPhone).

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