Free PDF to Word Converter Software
Convert PDF to Word, JPG, HTML, or Text in batches. 100% FREE
Standalone and simple to-utilize, UniPDF performs brilliant transformation from PDF records to word reports (doc/rtf), pictures (JPG/PNG/BMP/TIF/GIF/PCX/TGA), HTML, or plain content records (txt) in bunch mode, with all archive writings, designs, pictures and arranging in a perfect world protected.
Key Features:
Convert from PDF to Word Doc
Convert from PDF to Image
Convert from PDF to Text
Convert from PDF to HTML
Runs on Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/2000.
Supported PDF File Languages:
UniPDF supports almost all of the major languages including English,
Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Russian, Chinese,
Chinese Traditional, Korean, Japanese, Hindi, Arabic,Turkish etc.
Supported Output Formats:
UniPDF supports major formats including Word documents (*.doc),
Rich Text Format (*.rtf), images files(*.jpg/*.png/*.bmp/*.tif/*.gif/*.pcx/*.tga),
HTML (*.html), and plain text files (*.txt). More formats are to be supported.
How to convert PDF to Word with Unipdf:
Step 1, Drag and drop or use "Add" button to add the source PDF file(s):
Step 2, Select the Target format you want to convert to on the right side.

Step 3, Click on the "Convert" button and it's done! After completion you can either open the save path or the converted files instantly!