How to Add Meta Description Tags to Blogger

meta discription

SEO is very important for every blog because if you implement seo on your blog your web pages will be more search in search engine compare to other blogs. Usually we implement seo in form of meta tags which are located in the header portion of blog, in this tags we add information about our blog title and description. This meta description appear in the search engine and other social sites when we share our website link on that sites.

For adding a meta description first we should go to blogger dashboard and then settings > Search preferences > meta tags > description and after this click on this  option for edit purpose.
meta tags

Select "yes" for enable search description and post your blog description in the box and then click to save changes.

How to add meta description in individual posts:

Go to your post and edit the page and then look search description in the post settings.
Click search description option and enter your post description and then click to done button. Now you successfully save your post meta description.
how to add meta description

You can also add meta description manually in the blogger template, for this purpose go to template and click to edit HTML and than post the following code before <b:skin><!

<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != &quot;&quot;'>
  <meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>