Free download Newspaper V7.7.1 WordPress theme


Newspaper is a WordPress theme that lets you write articles and blog posts with ease. We offer great support and friendly help!

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The Newspaper template is excellent for a news, newspaper, magazine, publishing or review site. It also supports videos from YouTube and features a rating system. So far, we have the theme integrated with bbPress Forum, BuddyPress, Buddy Press, and WooCommerce. It uses the best clean SEO practices, and on top of that, it’s fast, simple, and easy to use. In addition, Newspaper supports responsive Google Ads and AdSense.
This is the fastest newspaper theme available. We spent a considerable amount of time tweaking every aspect of the theme to perform at it’s absolute best.
All the queries are hand inspected to be optimal, all the images and resources are carefully compress to make the site load blazing fast and all the scripts are profiled and modified to run at top speed.
Version 7.7.1 – March 13, 2017
improvement: we updated Visual Composer to the latest version
improvement: updated Revolution Slider to the latest version
Version 7.7 – February 3rd, 2017
new: this theme version has support for block templates and it comes with 17 bundled templates. A block template can change the appearance of a blocks title, pagination and more. The global block template will also affect the way comments, related posts and widgets look and feel.
new: widgets can use block templates that are different from the global one that is selected in the panel
new: options for google font weights and styles. The theme will only load the needed font weights and styles from now on
misc: author box is added as a widget now
misc: added footer social icons color option
misc: archive widget style
misc: The Header Style section from Theme Panel was redesigned with icons to be more user friendly
misc: image box block now supports custom gaps between pictures and custom heights
misc: widgets can now use an image upload control. The first widget to use this is the imagebox widget
misc: google fonts now always load as one file
misc: theme panel layout and spacing is much improved now
misc: inline ad displays at the last paragraph whenever there are not as many paragraphs mentioned in After Paragraph field and the article bottom ad is not active
misc: we updated the list of compatible plugins in the theme
fix: update the instagram icon
fix: pulldown filter alignment on category template 8
fix: image caption link on smartlists was not working
fix: the tagline from the text logo
fix: instagram widget on the boxed version was overflowing
fix: the password reset link that was sent from our login modal window was not working
fix: for buddypress styling issue – members, activity, groups pages and search form
fix: we switched to https all the post sharing links
fix: the mobile theme did not load the translations from the theme’s .po .mo files
fix: the not secured warning in chrome only appears now when the login box is opened
fix: theme action error in the status panel when the theme is already activated
fix: featured images from vimeo videos are now larger
fix: ajax login works now via https
fix: the sample plugin that shows how to add new modules and blocks works as expected now. It was giving a fatal error
Version 7.6.1 – January 26th, 2017
fix: We modified the login modal window code to only appear on the page when front page login is enabled. This makes sure that some versions of Chrome browser will not mark the site as Not Secure.
[Version 7.6 – December 20th, 2016]
misc: Visual Composer plugin updated to the latest version 5.0.1
misc: Revolution Slider plugin updated to the latest version
misc: full compatibility with WordPress 4.7
new: DEMO – Beauty blog – a fresh and simple blog demo. Easy to use and beautifully designed
new: The Plugin Page from where a user installs the included plugins was completely redesigned to be more user friendly.
new: added support for block templates overwritten via the Theme API system in demos. All future demos can now load different block templates if needed.
new: the comment form is now validated with javascript. This was a long requested feature and we are very happy how it turned out.
misc: css fixes in the theme panel and the welcome screen
misc: we finally updated the social icons and we also removed the icons for dead services (picasa, Posterous etc)
misc: the Social Networks panel now checks each input to be correct, this prevents user error and bad URL’s that supposed to go to social networks profiles but instead go to 404 pages on the site
misc: we removed the max-width from srcset on images and the responsive images on mobile now work as expected
misc: translation panel information text
misc: on android, when a user uses the mobile search, it will autofocus on the input field now
fix: password protected comments now work as expected
fix: facebook videos that are in the content of the post now work and resize as expected
fix: font panel css issues
fix: the tag ajax filter now displays the tags in the order of the id’s the user selects. Before it was alphabetically
fix: home breadcrumb does not appear as structured data as required by the google metadata testing tool
fix: smartlists that had image captions with HTML where broken. Now we fixed them.
fix: category sorting options was not working sometimes.
[ Version 7.5 ]
– new: author block – this block shows the author picture, socials and description. All in a nice and customizable design.
– new: image box block – this block is not just a simple image, it can be used to create banners, show featured categories with custom images or just to show some images. It’s auto adjusting and fully customizable.0
– fix: overlapping of Visual Composer and Newspaper tooltips while editing a page after the first install
– improvement: various core code refactoring and optimizations.
– improvement: better theme documentation and better help text in panel
– improvement: added used on for thumbnails in theme panel
– improvement: file path and names are now visible on each module, smart list, template etc on hover
– improvement: breadcrumbs markup, added BreadcrumbList schema
– improvement: in the System status panel, the theme now shows the license key used on the current install and we also have a button to remove the license from the install.
– fix: our blocks sometimes had issues auto adjusting the column count when placed in a inner row that is in a row
– fix: wrong recommended columns in Visual Composer, new users found it difficult to find out on what column layouts our blocks work best
– fix: drag and drop metabox flicker in wp-admin while editing a page
– improvement: system status now checks for mbstring and DOMDocument extension. We use DOMDocument for the new inline ad system.

Download newspaper theme new version on: themeforest or
  • First of all go this path Newspaper/includes/wp_booster/td_cake.php.
  • Open td_cake.php file in any PHP editor.
  • Find
private function td_cake_manual($s_id, $e_id, $t_id) {
if (md5($s_id . $e_id) == $t_id) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
private function td_cake_manual($s_id, $e_id, $t_id) {
if (md5($s_id . $e_id) == $t_id) {
return true;
} else {
return true;
after go admin cp
  • Then open “your_site/wp-admin/admin.php?page=td_cake_panel” in your browser and then click on Manual activation and Enter below code
Envato Purchase Code:

Activation Key:
After entering This code, Your theme successfully Activate.
Video tut Download and Activate

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